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My Projects

Get ready for a thrilling journey through my proudest achievement – a project that not only pushed my limits but also became a treasure trove of new experiences and knowledge. This endeavor was a rollercoaster of challenges and triumphs, leaving me with a profound sense of accomplishment. As you dive into the details, I hope you'll feel the same excitement I had while working on it. Brace yourself for a riveting exploration of the process and results that made this project an absolute joy to undertake!

Create a fashion brand (Telesofia)

In transforming Telesofia – Fashion Brand digitally, I meticulously crafted a captivating website, curated keyword-targeted blog posts, and optimized Facebook and Instagram Business accounts. Each step contributed to a purposeful and measured campaign strategy, elevating Telesofia's digital presence with strategic flair. This project wasn't just marketing; it was the artful unveiling of a brand's essence in the digital world.

Kuning Promo Makanan Beli 1 Gratis 1 Instagram Post (6).png

Design for Cruise Ship Travel Agency

Project Description

Embark on a design journey with my latest project—a visually arresting mock-up application for a cruise ship. Utilizing Figma and Canva, I created a seamless logo and played with color, showcasing a mix of creativity and technical skill. This project is a testament to my passion for immersive digital experiences and innovation, navigating the challenges to deliver a concise yet impactful addition to me.

Kuning Promo Makanan Beli 1 Gratis 1 Instagram Post (7).png

Industry Project


Industry Project is a recent project that focuses on the company eduClaaS. The goal of this project is to identify and improve the company's weaknesses through various aspects such as brand evaluation, online presence, competitor analysis, and campaign planning. The project aims to provide recommendations to help the company grow and succeed.

Hijau Modern Gambaran Tangan Kedai Kopi dan Resto Logo.png
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